Masculinity as Defined by Males Self-Advocates with Intellectual Disabilities: A Focus Group Research Report


  • Katarzyna Ćwirynkało University of Warmia and Mazury
  • Beata Borowska-Beszta Nicolaus Copernicus University
  • Urszula Bartnikowska University of Warmia and Mazury


Masculinity, intellectual disability, self-advocates, qualitative research, focus research


The paper presents the report analysis of the research undertaken in collaboration with male self-advocates with the usage of a focus group methodology. In the explanatory study the researchers explore topics of masculinity conceptualization of 9 males with intellectual disabilities. The main research question was: how do males with intellectual disabilities conceptualize masculinity? The main themes that emerged from the data collected in the interviews include: the males’ identification with masculinity, their perceptions of masculinity, male role models and roles associated with it.


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How to Cite

Ćwirynkało, K. ., Borowska-Beszta, B. ., & Bartnikowska, U. (2016). Masculinity as Defined by Males Self-Advocates with Intellectual Disabilities: A Focus Group Research Report. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 5(3), 105–120. Retrieved from

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