Examination of Motivation Scales: Is the Purpose Academic Promotion or the Need to Measure Psychological Constructs?





Scale development, Motivation scales, Standard test development stages, Usage of scales


The importance of measurement tools in education and psychology is indisputable. It is necessary to measure the affective characteristics of individuals in a valid and reliable manner. Numerous measurement tools have been developed to measure many psychological variables concerning humans. The aim of this research is to examine scale development studies in a technical sense and to determine the usage frequency of the reviewed studies. In line with the determined purpose, 43 motivation scales developed to measure motivation in various fields from the Turkey Index of Measurement Tools database were examined. In this study, which was designed as document analysis, one of the qualitative research designs, the data were examined through the forms developed by the researchers. According to the results, it was determined that there were serious technical errors in the development of measurement tools. It was determined that these errors are mainly in the concepts of test tryout and pilot application, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis, which seriously affect the psychometric properties of the scales. In addition, when the usage frequencies of the scales were examined, more than half of the scales remained as just development work. Only 19 of the tools examined for motivation were used in other research studies. It is recommended that researchers work in accordance with the standard test development steps in developing scales. Before starting to develop a scale, it is recommended that researchers determine if the scale is really needed with a rigorous literature review.


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How to Cite

Şengül Avşar, A. ., & Barış Pekmezci, F. (2022). Examination of Motivation Scales: Is the Purpose Academic Promotion or the Need to Measure Psychological Constructs?. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(3), 774–791. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V11.N3.19