Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the Polish Education System
Special Educational Needs (SEN), support of children, educational systemAbstract
The law currently binding in Poland favors students with disabilities and SEN. The parents have a right to choose between many forms of education and facilities which, in their opinion and according to the suggestions of a psychological and educational support centre, will give their child the best opportunities of development. The Ministry of National Education Regulation of 10 June 2015 on grading, classifying and promoting students demands adjustment of educational requirements to the needs of the student with a certificate confirming his/her special education needs (&3 clause 1) in each education establishment. Theoretically, the situation is extremely favorable. However, for now, the research studies have shown that the readiness of teaching staff, children, and parents for these different possibilities are insufficient; therefore, the legal regulations do not make the conditions of educating students with disabilities or SEN perfect. What is more, the perception of e.g. integrated education as a "cheaper" solution causes that not all legally provided possibilities of supporting a student are applied.Downloads
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