Necessity, Dissuasive, and Effects of Teachers’ Discipline Punishments from Principals’ Perspectives




Discipline, Disciplinary punishment, Teacher, Effect, Principal


This study was aimed to determine the necessity, dissuasive, and effects of disciplinary punishments on teachers according to the views of the school principals. It was conducted based on a qualitative research approach and case study. Participants were 20 school principals from various school types in the 2020-2021 academic year in Amasya city center, Turkey.  A semi-structured interview form designed by the researchers was used to collect the data. The data was analyzed based on content analysis. Findings were gathered under four main themes; necessity, dissuasive, effects, and suggestions. Findings show that existing disciplinary regulations are not functional enough. In the study, the type and personality of the offense are seen as important factors in the dissuasion of disciplinary punishments against teachers.  Reasons such as the ineffectiveness of the existing disciplinary regulations, the security of the civil service as a profession, and the effects of pressure groups emerge as factors that prevent the dissuasion of disciplinary punishments. It is considered necessary by school principals to make more functional discipline regulations, to focus on discipline regulations specific to the education and teaching profession, and preventive studies. Personality type, type of offense, school type, and dysfunctional disciplinary arrangements are effective in the emergence of situations requiring disciplinary punishment. There is a need for disciplinary arrangements that are suitable for today’s developments and include educational-specific rules. existing disciplinary regulations are not functional enough. As a result of the research, suggestions were given in line with the findings.


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How to Cite

Elmacı, D., & Kıral, B. (2022). Necessity, Dissuasive, and Effects of Teachers’ Discipline Punishments from Principals’ Perspectives. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(2), 38–53.