An Examination of Values Education Based on The Experiences of Classroom Teachers
Values education, values, classroom teachers, primary schoolAbstract
Classroom teachers, who have the duty of fostering values in the socialization of the child, occupy a key position in achieving success in primary education. In this research, the impact of values education on the Turkish education system was revealed, based on the experiences of classroom teachers. The research was conducted in a case study design, which is one of the qualitative research methods. A purposive sampling method was used to determine the study group by considering gender, professional experience, graduate/postgraduate education status, job seniority, work location and class levels. The results revealed that values education enables for students hardworking, honesty, successfulness and virtuousness, solidarity, and cooperation. The values, which is necessary to be nurtured in students are primarily universal, individual and national values. Values education must be supported by integrating it with lessons and by the participation of the family. In order to attain success in a sustainable values education, it is seen that for fostering of basic values, responsibility should be shared among the stakeholders.Downloads
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