The Effect of the Jigsaw Technique Implementation on Prospective Teachers’ Academic Achievements


  • Kerim Gündoğdu Adnan Menderes University
  • Ceyhun Ozan Ataturk University
  • Adnan Taşgın Ataturk University


Jigsaw technique, educational psychology, cooperative learning, prospective teacher


This study investigated the effects of the jigsaw technique on the achievements of sixty-four freshman students in an Educational Psychology course. The jigsaw method is a cooperative learning method that was applied to the experimental group, while the traditional learning method was applied to the control group. The subjects were all prospective teachers taking the Educational Psychology course in Turkish Language Education department in a public university in Turkey during the second term of the 2008 -2009 academic year. According to the results of the study, the test group appeared to be more successful than the control group in terms of post-test and knowledge retention scores.


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How to Cite

Gündoğdu, K. ., Ozan, C. ., & Taşgın, A. . (2013). The Effect of the Jigsaw Technique Implementation on Prospective Teachers’ Academic Achievements. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 2(3), 60–72. Retrieved from

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