Predictors of Self-Regulated Learning Skills of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (Ceit) Students



CEIT students, web pedagogical content knowledge, curriculum orientations, self-regulated learning skills, path analysis


In this correlational survey study, it was aimed to determine significant predictors of self-regulated learning skills of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) students. The sample consisted of 458 CEIT students registered at some universities among the ADIM Universities Consortium in Turkey. As data collection tools, the “Web Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale” which was developed by Lee, Tsai & Chang (2008) and adapted to Turkish by Horzum (2011), the “Curriculum Orientations Inventory” which was developed by Cheung and Wong (2002) and adapted to Turkish by Eren (2010), and the “Self-Regulated Learning Scale” which was developed by Turan (2009) were used in the study. Descriptive statistics, correlation and path analysis were used in analyzing data. Findings showed that there were low, medium and high significant correlations found among sub-factors. Path analysis results showed that academic and technological orientations of CEIT students were significant predictors of attitude toward web-based instruction. Results also showed that curriculum orientations and attitudes toward web-based instruction were significant predictors of self-regulated learning skills.


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Author Biographies

Selami Uysal

PhD Candidate
Adnan Menderes University, Curriculum & Instruction Dept. Aydın,

Kerim Gündoğdu

Full Professor
Adnan Menderes University, Curriculum & Instruction Dept. Aydın,


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How to Cite

Uysal, S. ., & Gündoğdu, K. . (2019). Predictors of Self-Regulated Learning Skills of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (Ceit) Students. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 8(3), 29–40. Retrieved from

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