The Reasons for Gaining and Losing the Popularity of a Paradigm in Constructivism: Why? and How?
Kuhn, paradigm, paradigmatic change, constructivism, paradigm shif, paradigmatic loseAbstract
In the context of paradigmatic transformations, different approaches have periodically dominated in the field of educational sciences, as happened in other fields. There are views related to which the scientific paradigms are rising rapidly and falling slowly. The purpose of this study is to investigate why? and how? paradigms gain and lose their popularity. Constructivism studied as a basic paradigm in this study. In Turkey, MoNE changed the primary and secondary school curriculum based on constructivism approach which was a new concept for teachers and researchers. Within this change an increases research happened about constructivism. Because of the increase and popularity of the constructivism the researchers of this article decided to analyze this change in a paradigmatic change. The researchers collected data from researchers who studied and experienced the constructivist approach in their papers. So, this study used phenomenological approach to why, what, and how participants experienced the constructivism. The study reached the findings that the reasons why scientists start to conduct a research were "intellectual curiosity, faddism, external history, belief and authority"; the reasons of maintaining a study based on a specific approach were "development and belief”, and the reasons of not continuing their study were explained as "dullness, hobbies and belief". Consequently, an approach in Turkey does not show a rapid rise and then a slow decrease, contrary to what is expressed theoretically; it can be said that it shows a very rapid uptrend and a very strong downward trend.Downloads
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