Examination of Ninth Grade Students' Opinions on Global Warming and Climate Change by Photo Interview Technique





Global climate change , Global warming , Ninth grade students, Photo interview technique, Environmental problems


The main problem underlying environmental problems is that people do not have sufficient environmental awareness and do not attach importance to such problems. In this context, the aim of this research is to determine the readiness of the 9th grade students towards global warming and climate change. In this research, 2020-2021 academic year, there are 9 students studying in the 9th grade of a public high school in one of the districts of Aydın in Türkiye. The study is a descriptive study and data diversity was made. The interviews with the students were made with the photo interview technique using a semi-structured interview form, and the findings were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The students stated that the reason for global climate change is mostly the use of fossil fuels and the unconscious behaviors of people, they stated that there will be drought in the future and the world is in great danger. The students stated that the use of the photo interview technique in the study made it easier for them to express themselves, they were better adapted to the subject, and they conveyed their ideas about the subject more accurately and better. It has been observed that 9th grade students have limited ideas about global warming and climate change, some students confuse these concepts and most of the students have misconceptions that global warming is caused by the depletion of the ozone layer. It was concluded that the students had an idea about the precautions to be taken on the subject, and interviewing with the photo interview technique made it easier for the students to express their views on the subject.


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How to Cite

Oktay, S. ., Oktay, S. ., Oktay, S. ., & Aktamış, H. . (2023). Examination of Ninth Grade Students’ Opinions on Global Warming and Climate Change by Photo Interview Technique . Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(3), 585–598. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V12.N3.05

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