Effect of a Brain-Based Learning Program on Working Memory and Academic Motivation among Tenth Grade Omanis Students


  • Adel M. ElAdl
  • Mourad Ali Eissa Saad


brain-based learning, working memory, academic motivation, tenth grade Omanis students


This study aims to investigate the effect of a brain-based learning program on working memory and academic motivation among tenth grade Omanis students. The sample was selected from students in the tenth grade in basic education in the Sultanate of Oman. The participants in this study were 75 preparatory school students. Experimental group (EG) consisted of 37 students while the control group (CG) consisted of 38 students. An experimental Pretest and Posttest Control-Group design was used in this study. The brain-based learning program was conducted to the whole class by their actual teacher during the actual lesson period for 8 weeks with 50 minute sessions conducted three times a week. The program was designed based on the three basic fundamentals of brain-based learning, namely ‘orchestrated immersion’, ‘relaxed alertness’, and ‘active processing’. The results of this study indicated great gains for students in the experimental group in both working memory and academic motivation. This study goes some way to understanding working memory and academic motivation in Omanis tenth grade primary students. The study shows that students in the experimental group, compared to those in the control group, develop robust working memory and academic motivation due to training in brain-based learning. The study shows that those young students have a great chance of developing their g memory and academic motivation.


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Author Biographies

Adel M. ElAdl

Full Professor of Educational Psychology

Sultane Qaboos University


Mourad Ali Eissa Saad

Full Professor of Special Education

Vice president of KIE University

Kie University



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How to Cite

ElAdl, A. M., & Eissa Saad, M. A. . (2019). Effect of a Brain-Based Learning Program on Working Memory and Academic Motivation among Tenth Grade Omanis Students. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 8(1), 42–50. Retrieved from https://perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/191

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