The Effects of Principles of Powerful Learning Environment on Motivation to Learn Among Students with Learning Disabilities
Powerful learning environment, Motivation, Students with learning disabilities, Middle schoolAbstract
The aim was to investigate the effects of principles of powerful learning environment (PLE) on motivation to learn among students with learning disabilities (LD). A sample of 56 students in 8th grade with LD in two middle schools were recruited. The research used the quasi-experimental approach due to its suitability to the nature of the research, which relies on the experimental design based on two groups, one experimental and the other control, and by using the pre- and post testing of the two groups. The effects of the principles of (PLE)were assessed using ANCOVA, repeated-measures, pre- post- and follow up testing design. Using a pre-test–intervention–post-test, and follow up design, it has been shown that (PLE) was effective in improving motivation to learn among students with LD. The results found by this study using (PLE) indicate the effectiveness of this method with students with LD.
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