Effectiveness of a Brain-Based Learning Theory in Developing Mathematical Skills and Scientific Thinking among Students with Learning Disabilities in Oman



Brain-based learning theory, mathematical skills, scientific thinking, mathematic disabled students


The current research is designed to investigate the impact of a BBL theory training program on developing mathematical skills and scientific thinking of mathematic disabled students. The proposed training program works as an independent variable comprising (22) training sessions. The methodology of the proposed program is based on integration between (Caine and Caine)’s principles of BBL and (Karen D. Olsen, Susan Kovalik)’principles of BCL. The dependent variables were mathematical and scientific thinking skills. The validity and reliability of both independent and dependent variables were checked and confirmed by a pilot study, the study sample was divided into two groups; a control group of 36 participants; (16 males, 20 females), and an experimental of 35 participants; (16 males, 19 females) both with an average age (13 years). The research design used a quasi-experimental design. Results showed the effectiveness of the training program employed.


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Author Biography

Adel M. ElAdl

Full Professor
Zagazeg University
Sultane Qaboos Universities


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How to Cite

ElAdl, A. M. (2020). Effectiveness of a Brain-Based Learning Theory in Developing Mathematical Skills and Scientific Thinking among Students with Learning Disabilities in Oman. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 9(2), 67–74. Retrieved from https://perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/132