Mediating Role of Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction in the Relationship Between Person-Job Fit and Life Satisfaction Among Teachers




Person-job fit, work-life balance, job satisfaction, life satisfaction, teacher


This study aims to determine the intermediary role of work-life balance (WLB) and job satisfaction (JS) in the relationship between person-job (PJ) fit and life satisfaction (LS) based on perceptions of teachers. A total of 401 teachers working in schools in Denizli province were included in the study. The Person-Job Fit Scale, Work-Life Balance Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, and Life Satisfaction Scale were employed to collect data. Based on the results of correlation analysis, positive significant relationships were found between all variables. Structural equation model analyses showed that JS and WLB together can play a full intermediary role in the relationship between PJ fit and LS. When the mediating roles of these two variables were examined separately, and it was identified that JS had a full mediating role and WLB had a partial mediating role in the relationship between PJ fit and LS.


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Author Biography

Aydan Ordu

Assistant professor
Department of Educational Sciences
Pamukkale University
ORCID: 0000-0002-2068-7992


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How to Cite

Ordu, A. (2021). Mediating Role of Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction in the Relationship Between Person-Job Fit and Life Satisfaction Among Teachers. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(2), 29–41.

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