Effects of Test Anxiety, Distance Education on General Anxiety and Life Satisfaction of University Students



Test anxiety, distance learning, the general anxiety, students life satisfaction


The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of test anxiety and dimensions of distance education on general anxiety and life satisfaction of university students. A total of 426 university students voluntarily asked to respond on online scales of test anxiety, distance education, general anxiety, and life satisfaction. The results revealed a strong direct positive path from test anxiety to general anxiety (B=0.35) (p<.001). Also, test anxiety negatively influenced the students' life satisfaction in either a direct or indirect way. Furthermore, general anxiety negatively affected the student's life satisfaction. Likely, Student autonomy directly and negatively affected the general anxiety. Moreover, student interaction, authentic learning, and active learning directly and positively affected the life satisfaction of the students. Student autonomy directly depressed the general anxiety which indirectly improved the students' life satisfaction. Likely, student interaction, authentic learning, and active learning directly improved the students' life satisfaction. Further researches required to be conducted in this research area.


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Author Biography

Rehab Tahoon

Tahoon Rehab, PhD
Department of Psychology
University of Sadat City
E-mail: Rehab.Tahoon@edu.usc.edu.eg
ORCID: 0000-0002-4819-4567


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How to Cite

Tahoon, R. . (2021). Effects of Test Anxiety, Distance Education on General Anxiety and Life Satisfaction of University Students. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(1), 107–117. Retrieved from https://perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/95