The Relationship between Servant leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Faculty Members
Servant leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Faculty MembersAbstract
This study examined the relationship between Servant leadership with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of staff members. Servant leadership: a leadership behavior that emphasizes personal growth of followers. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is an organizational construct that describes non-contractual behaviors of staff members that contributes to the success of the organization. The climate of a faculty is defined as the working environment as perceived by the staff members within faculty. The people-centered behaviors of a servant leader promote positive social reciprocal interactions between the members within the organization. These relationships in turn foster organizational citizenship behaviors within a faculty and provide an open/healthy faculty environment.This study utilized data gathered from 332 participants within a random sample of staff members in faculties (Science, Engineering, Arts, Education) at Assuit university, in the South of Egypt. Two reliable instruments were used in this study: Servant Leadership Survey (SLS), Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale (OCB Scale). Results showed that faculties staff members 'perceptions of Servant leadership were high. It was found also that there were relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors.Downloads
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