The Structural Equation Model for the Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem in The Relationship of Mindfulness to Academic Resilience and Test Anxiety
structural equation model, self-esteem, mindfulness, academic resilience, test anxietyAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of self-esteem in the relationship of mindfulness to academic resilience, and test anxiety. Eight hundred undergraduate students volunteered to participate to the study. Students were recruited from the Cairo University. Faculty members invited students to participate in the study, and informed consent was also obtained from the willing participants. The sample consisted of 230 males and 570 females with mean age 19.5 years (SD=3.0 years). The Connor Davidson-Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory–State Anxiety Scale were used to collect data. To examine the relationships between mindfulness, self-esteem, academic resilience, and test anxiety, correlational analysis was used. The mediation role of self-esteem was tested using two steps Structural equation modelling (SEM) procedure using AMOS 18.0. Findings indicated that the correlations between mindfulness, self-esteem and academic resilience were positive while with test anxiety it was in the different path. As predicted, mindfulness was positively associated with academic resilience and negatively associated with test anxiety.Downloads
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