A Comparative Case Study on The Perceptions of Pre-School Teachers on Gender Roles and Practices



classroom practices, gender roles, preschool classroom, preschool teacher


The aim of this study is to examine the perceptions of preschool teachers on gender roles and classroom practices in a comparative manner. Qualitative research method was used in this study. The participants of the study are preschool teachers working in Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. In this study, convenience sampling method was used. The study group comprised 21 preschool teachers volunteering to participate and provided written consent. The data were collected through an interview schedule that comprised 9 semi structured questions. The results obtained from teachers in Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus showed teachers showed gender stereotypical behaviors in their classrooms in both countries. According to the teacher perceptions, women are passive, fragile and emotional while men are independent and powerful. It can be concluded that teachers in both countries have practices aimed to prevent the development of gender prejudices in children.


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Author Biographies

Fatoş Silman

Full Professor
Cyprus International University, Department of Education Sciences 99258 Nicosia, TRNC

Elif Bozcan

Elif Bozcan PhD
Assistant Professor
Cyprus International University, Department of Basic Education 99258 Nicosia, TRNC

Nihan Koran

Assistant. Professor
Eastern Mediterranean University, Elementary Education Department, 99628, Gazimağusa, TRNC Cyprus,


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How to Cite

Silman , F. ., Bozcan , E. ., & Koran , N. . (2019). A Comparative Case Study on The Perceptions of Pre-School Teachers on Gender Roles and Practices. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 8(3), 41 –. Retrieved from https://perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/153