Gender Roles at the Vocational High Schools in Turkey



Bem’s gender role, coeducational schools, gender, gender roles, gender role inventory, vocational high schools


The purpose of this study is to investigate gender roles in vocational high schools. Hence, this study attempted to determine whether gender distributions in schools are influential in the gender roles of students. The sample included 423 students studying in five different types of high schools (vocational, health, multi-program, girls’ vocational, and boys’ religious). The study was designed in the survey model. Bem’s Gender Role Inventory was used to collect the data. The results of the research revealed the differences between sex and gender roles. In addition to that, there was a significant difference in the gender role ratios of male and female students, depending on the type of high school. To conclude, gender weight in the vocational school affects gender roles, primarily vocational high schools.


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Author Biographies

Asiye Gökçe Toker

Associate Professor
Faculty of Education
Kocaeli University
ORCID: 0000-0003-1909-1822

Ergin Dikme

Ergin Dikme
PhD Candidate
Kocaeli University
Faculty of Education
ORCID: 0000-0001-5957-7133


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How to Cite

Gökçe Toker, A. ., & Dikme, E. (2020). Gender Roles at the Vocational High Schools in Turkey. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 9(3), 56–69. Retrieved from

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