Adequacy of Undergraduate Classroom Teaching Programmes for Fostering Professional Values



classroom teaching, programmes, professional values, case study, evaluationNermin


In this study, the adequacy of the undergraduate Classroom Teaching programmes of the Elementary Education Department for fostering professional values in preservice classroom teachers was evaluated. This assessment was carried out with a qualitative approach using data from in-depth interviews with 16 faculty members in the classroom teaching department of the education faculty at a state university in Turkey. The findings obtained in this study are grouped under the themes degree to which undergraduate classroom teaching programmes foster professional values in students and preservice activities to be carried out for fostering professional values. Planned with a qualitative design, this study reveals the need to increase the number of practical lessons related to the subject area, reduce the number and hours of undergraduate classes, increase the number of elective courses for nurturing professional values, select qualified teacher educators, create institutional values, and reduce the number of education faculties and teacher quotas. One of the most striking findings is that some of the research results show similarity with the Higher Education Council’s revised primary school curriculum for 2018-2019. These results reveal that during the accreditation process of education faculties, importance should be given to the acquisition of professional values in undergraduate classroom teaching programmes in order to achieve success in education.


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Author Biographies

Nermin Karabacak

Assistant Professor. Department of Educational Sciences. Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Turkey

İsa Korkmaz

Full Professor Department of Curriculum Education Necmettin Erbakan University Turkey

Mehmet Küçük

Full Professor Department of Mathematics and Science Education Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Turkey


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How to Cite

Karabacak, N. ., Korkmaz, İsa, & Küçük, M. (2020). Adequacy of Undergraduate Classroom Teaching Programmes for Fostering Professional Values. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 9(1), 7–20. Retrieved from

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