Challenges and Advantages of Working Abroad: Turkish and Turkish Culture Teachers' Perspective



teacher professional developmen, professional problems, teaching abroad, working abroad, teacher problems


This paper aims to determine the problems and gains of Turkish teachers employed in Europe. The research was designed in the survey model and the basic qualitative approach. The sample group of the study consists of 210 Turkish teachers who work in Germany, France, England, and Switzerland. The data were collected by an open-ended survey and analysed by the descriptive analysis method. The results revealed that teachers experienced adaptation problems in language and communication, housing, a feeling of loneliness, prejudices, a new educational environment, and cultural diversity. Besides, they had social problems, family affairs, relationships with associations, health, and economic issues. Furthermore, teachers had professional, personal, social, and financial gains.


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Author Biographies

Hatice Gül

Teacher, Ministry of National Education, France

Asiye Toker Gökçe

Associate Professor Educational Sciences Department Kocaeli University Turkey


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How to Cite

Gül, H. ., & Toker Gökçe, A. (2020). Challenges and Advantages of Working Abroad: Turkish and Turkish Culture Teachers’ Perspective. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 9(1), 33–47. Retrieved from

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