The Impact of Dialogic Teaching on Academic Success and Anxiety Regarding Mathematics Courses
Curriculum, instruction, dialogic teaching, mathematical educationAbstract
In this study, the aim is to examine the impact of Dialogic Teaching on students’ academic success and anxiety regarding mathematics course subjects of limit and continuity, which are in the scope of 12th grade mathematics course curriculum, within the sub learning domain of continuity. During the research, both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. The sample space comprises of 56 students, 27 of which were the experimental group and the other 29 were the control group. Data sources consist of a continuity sub-learning domain success scale, which was developed by the researchers; a mathematical anxiety evaluation scale, which was revised with concept cartoons; and video recording of the lectures. During the study, Dialogic Teaching was used in the experimental group, while normal curriculum was taught in the control group. The results of the study indicate that Dialogic Teaching was not only effective in increasing students’ success in the sub learning domain of continuity, but also helpful in reducing mathematical anxiety among students. The drawn conclusion was that Dialogic teaching has improved students’ ability to generate alternative solutions to a problem, form and justify theses, make evidence-based judgments. Also it was effective in enabling students to comprehend concepts more profoundly by making scientific decisions.Downloads
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