Problems Faced in The Education of Syrian Immigrant Students and Recommendations: The Turkey Case




Turkey, Syrian students, problems, meta-synthesis, immigrant students


The purpose of this study is to put forth the current situation of studies examining the problems faced in the education of Syrian students attending schools in Turkey within the scope of formal education through meta-synthesis. In line with the study purpose, studies with qualitative findings and results related to the subject were examined and synthesized, and the results related to the subject were presented with a holistic perspective. The keywords of Syrians, foreign students, immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and temporary protection were used during the literature review search conducted to determine the studies to be discussed within the scope of the study. The searches were carried out on online databases and search engines between February 15, 2020 and April 18, 2020. Google Scholar, Sobiad, Dergipark, ULAKBİM, YÖK National Thesis Center, ERIC, Academia, Researchgate, EBSCOhost, and Web of Science were the online search engines used for the searches. The studies found as a result of the literature review were re-examined considering the criteria determined for the study. A total of 80 studies (61 articles and 19 theses) formed the studies from which the study data were collected. The data obtained by paying attention to the main study purpose and study questions were analyzed using the content analysis method. According to the study results, the problems encountered in the education of Syrian students and the recommendations given were examined under six categories, namely classroom management, academic achievement, communication, family, administration, and students’ psychosocial status. Recommendations for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers were developed based on the results obtained from the studies examined within the scope of the study.


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Author Biographies

Mehmet Özenç

Assistant Professor
Department of Primary School Education
Gaziantep University
ORCID: 0000-0001-6339-4092

Mevlüt Kara

Assistant Professor
Department of Primary School Education
Gaziantep University
ORCID: 0000-0002-6381-5288


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How to Cite

Özenç, M., & Kara, M. (2021). Problems Faced in The Education of Syrian Immigrant Students and Recommendations: The Turkey Case. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(2), 142–162.