What are the Effects of Students’ Preferences on Choosing Religious and other Schools in Turkey?
Islamic high school, Imam Hatip, Vocational School, Islamic piety, religion tendencyAbstract
In this study the differences between students who preferred to study in Islamic high schools (Imam Hatip) and other high schools in terms of the following issues were examined: a) whether or not students were religious b) whether or not students’ parents were religious c) whether or not parents lived in rural areas or in the city d) parents’ income level e) students’ basic education (grades 1-8) academic achievement f) gender. The study group comprised 500 high school students: 322 students studying at Islamic high schools (Imam Hatip), and 178 students studying at other high schools. Quest Religious Orientation Scale and Islamic Religious Affinity Evaluation Scale were used to collect data. The findings showed that Islamic high school (Imam Hatip) students had more affinities towards religion. It was also found that the parents of the majority of Islamic high school (Imam Hatip) students lived in rural areas. These students had the tendencies in having dogmatic beliefs instead of questioning and improving their way of looking at religion. Especially students who preferred Islamic high schools (Imam Hatip) were found to be low academic achievers in basic education. It was also found that male students had more religious affinities compared to female students. The latest regulations by HEC (Higher Education Council) to decrease students’ interests for Islamic high schools (Imam Hatip) did not only seriously affect students who preferred these highs schools but also students who preferred to go to other high schools. It also decreases the ratio of vocational and technical education institutions which perform educational processes effectively in the 21st century.Downloads
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