The Mediator Role of Emotional Stability in the Relationship Between the Psychological Adjustment and Cyberostracism of University Students
Psychological adjustment , Problems , Cyberostracism , University students, Emotional stability , Mediator analysisAbstract
Today, one of the environments where most of the people interact with other people is virtual environments. In these environments, some individuals may be exposed to ostracism by others. This state of exclusion can also have some adverse effects on the psychological adjustment of individuals. In this context, the purpose of the current study is to investigate the mediator role of emotional stability in the relationship between university students’ problems of psychological adjustment and cyberostracism. The study employed the relational survey model. The study group of the study is comprised of 320 undergraduate students in the 2021-2022 academic year. In the analysis of the collected data, Pearson Moments Correlation Coefficient analysis was conducted in SPSS-22 and the mediaton analysis was conducted. As a result of the analyses conducted within the context of the current study, it was found that the cyberostracism of the university students negatively and significantly predicted their emotional stability, while it positively and significantly predicted their psychological adjustment problems. In addition, it was determined that emotional stability played a mediator role in the relationship between university students’ problems of psychological adjustment and cyberostracism. The findings of the study were discussed in relation to literature and suggestions were made.
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