Evaluation of the Curriculum of the Information Technologies Lesson Designed with the Web-Based Reflective Thinking Activities





Reflective Thinking, Computer Education, Academic Achievement, Eisner’s Curriculum Evaluation Model


In this study, the aim is to evaluate the effect of the 6th grade Information Technologies lesson based on reflective thinking supported with web tools developed by the researchers to the academic achievement according to Eisner’s Educational Criticism Model (EECM). The method of this study is in mixed structure which includes both qualitative and quantitative research models. Sample of the study consists of 68 6th grade at a state school in district of South-Aegean in 2019-2020 academic year. While in the quantitative part of the study, as a model, pre-test, post-test and semi-experimental design with an experiment-control group were specified, in the qualitative part, case study method was used and data was analysed by using the steps of EECM, which has qualitative features. As data collection tool in the study; academic achievement test, semi-structured interview form used in the interviews with the teachers and the students and observation form to be used for the observations in the classrooms were used. In the result of the study, the curriculum had a positive effect on the academic achievement of the 6th grade students at the Information Technologies lesson and it was seen that this effect was a significant difference for the good of the experimental group. In the qualitative evaluation of the curriculum, description and interpretation according to the views of the participants and objectives, content, learning experiences and evaluation elements of the curriculum were evaluated.


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How to Cite

Ceylan, V. K., & Saracaloğlu, A. S. (2022). Evaluation of the Curriculum of the Information Technologies Lesson Designed with the Web-Based Reflective Thinking Activities. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(3), 636–655. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V11.N3.17

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