Digital Technology Use of Kindergarten Teachers for Parental Involvement: EInvolvement in the Turkish Context




E-nvolvement, early childhood education, digital technology use, parental involvement


The primary research aim of this current study was to better understand the digital technology use of Turkish kindergarten teachers in their parental involvement practices. A questionnaire designed by the authors was administered to 100 kindergarten teachers in five cities located within Turkey. It was revealed in the study results that the kindergarten teachers owned a variety of electronic devices and used those devices for both personal and educational purposes within the early childhood education setting. Teachers used digital technologies for their parental involvement practices less than they did for their own personal use or for other activities within the educational setting. The parental involvement types where teachers most often used digital technologies were for parenting and communicating. While the least popular parental involvement types where kindergarten teachers used digital technologies were decision-making and collaborating with the community. Teachers mentioned the two most common reasons for insufficient technology use for parental involvement were the parents’ financial status and level of knowledge. A negative relationship between teachers’ personal technology use and experience in the field increased, they were less likely to encounter problems regarding digital technology use for parental involvement.


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Author Biographies

Ahmet Sami Konca

Assistant Prof. Dr.
Department of Early Childhood Education 
Erciyes University
ORCID: 0000-0002-6423-6608

Sevcan Hakyemez-Paul

Department of Early Childhood Education
University of Turku
ORCID: 0000-0002-5870-2596  


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How to Cite

Konca , A. S., & Hakyemez-Paul , S. (2021). Digital Technology Use of Kindergarten Teachers for Parental Involvement: EInvolvement in the Turkish Context. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(3), 239–254.

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