The Relationship between Prosocial Behaviours of Children, Perspective Taking Skills and Emotional Regulation




Perspective taking, Emotional regulation, Prosocial behaviours , Children , Preschool age


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of perspective-taking and emotional regulation with prosocial behaviors of children in the preschool age group, emphasizing the predictor aspect of perspective-taking and emotional regulation skills, which are critically important for the development of children in early childhood. The "Perspective Taking Test for Children", the “Emotion Regulation Scale” and the “Prosocial Behavior Scale” was used in this study, which involved a total of 213 children aged between 48 and 72 months attending pre-school education. In the study, it was found that there were statistically significant correlations between prosocial behaviors and perspective taking and emotional regulation. In addition, it was found that emotional regulation had a greater effect on the total score of prosocial behaviors and the "helping" sub-scale score of prosocial behaviors than the perspective-taking score.


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How to Cite

Çoban, A. E., Atış Akyol, N. ., & Eren, S. . (2022). The Relationship between Prosocial Behaviours of Children, Perspective Taking Skills and Emotional Regulation . Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(2), 147–157.

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