The Scale of Determining the Problem Behaviors of Children in Preschool Period: A Validity and Reliability Study
Problem behaviors, scale development, preschool periodAbstract
This study was aimed to develop a scale to determine the problem behaviors of 3-6 aged preschool children. A systematic process was carried out during the development of the scale. A total of 305 preschool teachers filled in the scale development study. Based on the results of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), it was identified that the scale consists of 30 items and three factors, explaining 52.13% of the total variance. These factorsare named academic skills problems, peer relationship problems, and developmental-behavioral problems in accordance with the literature. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine whether the collected data confirmed the determining factor structure. The whole scale’s Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was found as .94. Cronbach alpha coefficients were .91 for “academic skills problems”, .89 for “peer relationships problems”, and .83 for “developmental behavior problems”. As a result of the analysis, the scale is valid and reliable to determine the problem behaviors of preschool children.Downloads
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