The Prediction Level of the Students’ Conflict Resolution Skills and Their Demographic Characteristics on Their Global Citizenship Perceptions
Global citizenship, Conflict resolution, Regression, Demographic characteristics, Primary educationAbstract
In today’s world, individuals are expected to be vigilant for many problems in the world, such as environmental problems, war, migration, and poverty and take an active role in solutions to these problems. This responsibility expected of individuals is related to the concept of global citizenship, and for individuals to acquire global citizenship skills, they need to acquire many skills related to conflict resolution. The aim of this study is to first determine the global citizenship perceptions and conflict resolution skill levels of fourth-grade primary school students, and then, to determine to what extent conflict resolution skills and some other variables predict global citizenship perceptions. This is a predictive and correlational study. The quota sampling method was used in this study. The sample of the study consisted of 320 fourth-grade primary school students. A personal information form, the Global Citizenship Perception Scale, and the Conflict Resolution Skills Scale were used to collect the data. In the analysis of the data, Pearson’s product-moment correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used as well as descriptive statistics. As a result of the analyses, a significant relationship was found between the global citizenship perceptions of the participants and their scores of resorting to reconciliation and violence. Moreover, all the predictive variables used in the multiple regression model were significant, and they collectively explained 20.6% of the total variance in the global citizenship perceptions of the participants.
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