Effects of an 8-Week Relational Cultural Intervention on Female University Students’ Attitudes Towards Dating Violence, Conflict Resolutions and Relationships





Dating Violence, Relationship, Prevention


The aim of this research is to determine the effect of the Relational Cultural Theory Based Psycho-Education Program (RCTPP) on the attitudes of university students toward dating violence (DV), relationship qualities, and conflict resolution styles. The research is an experimental study conducted with female university students. There are nine students in the experimental group and nine students in the control group. The eight-session RCTPP developed by the researcher was applied to the experimental group. No intervention was made in the control group. As a result of the research, it was determined that the variance between the pre-test and post-test scores of the individuals in the experimental group and the control group regarding the attitude towards DV, the negative conflict resolution style (NCRS), and the compliance conflict resolution style (CCRS) differed significantly from each other. Accordingly, it was determined that the participants' attitude scores towards DV decreased, that is, they considered DV as less acceptable in relationships.  In addition, it was found that the participants tended to use the NCRS and CCRS less. It was determined that the program did not affect the decrease of withdrawal conflict style scores (WCRS) in conflict resolution, and the increase in positive conflict resolution style scores (PCRS) and relationship quality scores.


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How to Cite

Gündüz, Özlem, & Sevim, S. A. (2023). Effects of an 8-Week Relational Cultural Intervention on Female University Students’ Attitudes Towards Dating Violence, Conflict Resolutions and Relationships. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(3), 612–625. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V12.N3.07