General Trends in Research on the Fact of Migration in Turkish and Social Studies Education




Turkish education , Social Studies education , Migration , Descriptive content analysis , Research trends


Migration is known to cause problems in many areas such as economic, social, cultural, legal, security and education. In this context, migration leads to some changes and transformations that will require social and cultural harmony. Adapting to these changes is through education. When it comes to social and cultural harmony, Turkish and Social Studies education comes to mind. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the studies dealing with how the phenomenon of migration and its elements are transferred to the Turkish and Social Studies educational environment and teaching processes. In this study, it is aimed to systematically analyze the researches on the phenomenon of migration in Turkish and Social Studies education as a whole and to determine its general tendency. In this qualitative study, data were collected by document review. A total of 12 studies, four in Turkish education and eight in Social Studies education, were examined. Descriptive content analysis was used in the analysis of these studies. As a result of the analyzes, it was determined that the researches were mostly structured with a qualitative approach and the type and size of the sample/workgroup/data source, data collection methods/tools, and data analysis methods supported this. When the research results are evaluated in general, it is recommended to increase the number of studies on the phenomenon of migration in Turkish and Social Studies education and the number of studies that determine the general trend of these studies.


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* Even though there is no cited in the article, it shows the studies examined within the context of the article.

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How to Cite

Demircioğlu, E. ., & Altuntaş Gürsoy, İlke . (2023). General Trends in Research on the Fact of Migration in Turkish and Social Studies Education. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(1), 306–320.

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