Examining the Computer Attitudes and Internet Attitudes of Substitute Teachers: Self-Confidence Towards ICT
Computer attitudes, internet attitudes, self-confidence towards ICT, substitute teachersAbstract
The goal of this quantitative study was to determine the computer attitudes and internet attitudes of substitute teachers and their self-confidence towards Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The participants of the study included 348 substitute teachers studying to receive their teaching certificates in pedagogical proficiency classes at a university in Zonguldak, Turkey. The study included three instruments: Computer Attitudes Scale-Marmara (BTO-M), Survey of Factors Affecting Teachers Teaching with Technology (SFA-T), and Attitude Scale Towards Internet Usage (ASTIU). The data were analyzed through independent samples t-tests, Anova tests, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and regression analysis. The results indicated that there was a positive and a significant relationship between the computer attitudes and internet attitudes of substitute teachers and their self-confidence towards ICT. In addition, the results suggested that substitute teachers’ self-confidence towards ICT positively affected their computer attitudes and internet attitudes.Downloads
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