A Study on Developing the Revised Version of the "Conflict Resolution Behavior Determination" Scale (CRBDS)
Conflict, conflict resolution, scale, aggression, problem solvingAbstract
Conflict resolution is the process where parties come together and exert efforts for a solution with the aim of ending an existing conflict. In the current study, the aim was to test the reliability and validity of the revised version of the Conflict Resolution Behavior Determination Scale (CRBDS) designed to determine the conflict resolution behavior of the middle school students. The sample of the research consisted of 997 6th grade students studying at 3 different middle schools. Analysis results indicated that CRBDS consisted of two-dimensional and 17 items. Two-factor model developed at the end of the CFA was tested and it was detected that the obtained fit indices were considerably better. In addition, concurrent validity results showed that the relationships between CRBDS and similar scales was significant. Cronbach Alpha analysis was done for reliability test. As a result of the reliability and validity tests, it was seen that CRBDS consisted of two subscales and 17 items and ıt was suitable for application.Downloads
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