Components and Process of Identity Formation in Model of the Authorship of Own Lives in People with Disabilities



authorship of own lives in people with disabilities, personal identity, social identity, normalization, social belonging, integration


The subject of this article consistently develops the authorship of own lives in people with disabilities concept. With reference to the strategic framework (contextualism and systemness in particular), it constructs an AOL-PwD model. The model presents identity as a constitutive area in understanding the authorship of their own lives in people with disabilities. The AOL-PwD model is composed of three interrelated elements: (1) authorship aspects, (2) identity components, and (3) process links. The article proposes important theses that chart direction for research. It suggests that identity is a fundamental category in exploring the AOL-PwD. The authorship of their own lives in people with disabilities is a dynamic category. As a result of AOL-PwD formation, the individual achieves a given authorship status: achieved, foreclosed, diffused, or moratorium status. The identity status achieved determines the way people with disabilities perceive their authorship life aspects. Developmental dynamics and specific identity and life authorship statuses being acquired suggest that it is necessary to redefine these areas of people's functioning on a regular basis. We believe that a consistent implementation of the concept will provide an inspiring theoretical and empirical space for multidimensional explorations of the phenomenon of disability in light of normalization, humanities, and affirmation. The article also charts direction for further research, which will include, among others, qualitative research to verify the AOL-PwD model, then measurement tools will be developed, and a comprehensive assessment of people with different disabilities identifying AOL-PwD determinants will be conducted.


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Author Biographies

Joanna Głodkowska

Full Professor at The Maria Grzegorzewska University (APS)
Director of Institute of Special Education Head of Chair of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies
40 Szczęśliwicka Street 02-353 Warszawa

Marta Pągowska

Assistant Professor at The Maria Grzegorzewska University (APS) Head of Institute of Special Education Chair of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies 40 Szczęśliwicka Street 02-353 Warszawa


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How to Cite

Głodkowska, J. ., & Pągowska, M. . (2019). Components and Process of Identity Formation in Model of the Authorship of Own Lives in People with Disabilities. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 8(2), 7 – 20. Retrieved from

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