Authorship of Own Lives in People with Disabilities Model in Theoretical and Empirical Context



authorship of own lives, people with disabilities, self-actualisation, coherence, well-being, self-determination, quality of life, social belonging, conceptualisation of disability


The concept of the authorship of their own lives in people with disabilities belongs to the trend which creates a positive, capable image of a person with disability in the society. The aim of this article is to relate contemporary theories which conceptualise disability in the categories of a universal human condition, natural human variation and positive aspects of human functioning to AOL-PwD. In particular, the analyses in this work aim to locate AOL-PwD in the perspective of the theories of coherence, well-being, self-determination, quality of life and social belonging. The analysis has allowed formulating the following theses: (1) the classical theory of needs by Abraham Maslow provides a significant foundation and the leading context for the general explication of the authorship of their own lives in people with disabilities idea; (2) the connections between identity and various dimensions of human functioning make it possible to predict the relations of these dimensions with AOL-PwD; (3) specific aspects of the authorship of their own lives in people with disabilities can be presented in the light of relevant theories; (4) the AOL-PwD construct is a complex composition of diverse relations and dependencies; (5) the authorship of their own lives in people with disabilities concept refers to the holistic model of a person with disability and illustrates comprehensively the specific composition of his or her mental and social condition


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Author Biographies

Joanna Głodkowska

Full Professor at The Maria Grzegorzewska University (APS) Director of Institute of Special EducationHead of Chair of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies40 Szczęśliwicka Street02-353 WarszawaPoland

Marta Pągowska

Assistant Professor at The Maria Grzegorzewska University (APS) Head of Institute of Special EducationChair of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies 40 Szczęśliwicka Street 02-353 WarszawaPoland


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How to Cite

Głodkowska, J. ., & Pągowska, M. . (2020). Authorship of Own Lives in People with Disabilities Model in Theoretical and Empirical Context. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 9(1), 66–82. Retrieved from