A Case Study of Teaching Addition and Subtraction to a Student with Dyscalculia



Dyscalculia, mathematics learning disabilities, teaching addition and subtraction


In this study, it is aimed to teach the addition and subtraction processes to a student who is in third grade at elementary school and who has diagnostic as dyscalculia. Before preparing individualized program, the student was given a pretest to measure his level of the subject. The instruction was carried out in a room in the school, with a time of 40 minutes per day in the form of individual instruction with the student. In addition, the study was supported by a researcher-developed scenario booklet, concrete materials, computer games, reinforcement award, and assignments. A case study from qualitative research methods has been employed in the study. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. Results of the study indicate that the student achieved more than 90 % objectives on teaching basic addition and subtraction skills in the third grade. Gains have been actualized by the student with mathematic learning difficulties with over 90 % success in 63 individualized lessons. On the other hand, social validity data were collected through observation and interviews to identify strengths or weaknesses and changes occurring in the student work. As a result of the studies, it has been determined that the student gained self-confidence by enjoying his sense of accomplishment.


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Author Biographies

Beyza Koç

Beyza Koç PhD
Ministry of National Education,
E-mail: koc_beyza@hotmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-5674-7037

İsa Korkmaz

Full Professor
Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya
E-mail: ikorkmaz@erbakan.edu.tr
ORCID: 0000-0002-6647-1812


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How to Cite

Koç, B., & Korkmaz, İsa. (2020). A Case Study of Teaching Addition and Subtraction to a Student with Dyscalculia. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 9(3), 40–55. Retrieved from https://perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/106

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