You Are Welcome Here: What Campus Resources Are Needed to Recruit, Retain, and Graduate International Students at Large Universities?




University resources, International center, Campus resources, International student, Recruitment


As globalization in education spreads, students will be more likely to study abroad; these international students are integral to institutional reputation and cultural enrichment. As such, educational institutions need to better understand what is necessary to recruit international students, provide them with a successful educational experience, and facilitate their path to graduation. In this study, an exploratory survey was distributed to international students at two large universities (>50,000 students) in the US and Turkey. The survey yielded n=182 responses. After analyzing the participant responses, their primary experiences fell into three themes: expectations, challenges, and needed improvements. Overall, the international students appeared satisfied with their educational experiences, but highlighted areas of improvement. Universities will need to create an action plan to help work with students during the recruiting process, during their time at the university, and during their final semesters when they prepare to graduate and look for a job.


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How to Cite

Kıroğlu, K., & Kung, M. . (2023). You Are Welcome Here: What Campus Resources Are Needed to Recruit, Retain, and Graduate International Students at Large Universities?. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 12(1), 22–33.

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