The Effect of Collective Learning Method on Student Achievement in Turkish Education History Course


  • Durmus Kılıç Ataturk University


Cooperative teaching model, collective learning method, teacher centered teaching


The purpose of this study is to search the effect of collective learning –being within cooperative learning model- on the academic success of students in the Turkish Education History course being taught in the School Teaching program of a education faculty at public school in Turkey. The class teacher candidates have been divided to test and control groups. 26 individuals have consisted the test group, and 26 has consisted the control group. The achievement test has been applied as pretest and posttest to these groups. Collective learning method has been applied on the test group, and teacher centered teaching method has been applied on the control group. As the data has not shown normal distribution, Mann Whitney U test –among non-parametric tests- has been applied. According to the results of this test, no meaningful differentiation could be found in between the test group and control group.


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How to Cite

Kılıç, D. . (2016). The Effect of Collective Learning Method on Student Achievement in Turkish Education History Course. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 5(3), 69–79. Retrieved from

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