The Effect of Group Guidance Program on Family Stress and Burnout Levels for Parents of Children with Special Needs




Parents Who Has Children With , Special Needs, Group Guidance, Family Stress, Burnout


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the group guidance program on family stress and burnout scores of parents who have children with special needs. Pre-test, post-test quasi-experimental control grouped design was used in the study. There were four parents (mother) in the experimental group and four parents (mother) in the control group. The Questionnaire on Resource and Stress-F and the Maslach Burnout Inventory were used as data collection tools. The group guidance program, which was developed by Ayşe Çin in 2001 and consists of eight sessions was applied to the experiment group. Group guidance was conducted online through the Zoom Meetings program, considering the ethical principles of online counseling due to the COVID-19 process. Group guidance was applied to the experimental group between 31.05.2021 and 25.07.2021. Control group has not been subjected to any application. Significance of differences in pre-test post-test scores of subjects were analyzed with Mann Whitney U test. The research findings showed that the group guidance program had a significant effect on the family stress levels and burnout levels of the parents in the experimental group. Based on the research findings, comments were made and suggestions for practice and research were developed.


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How to Cite

Güler, G., & Bedel, A. (2024). The Effect of Group Guidance Program on Family Stress and Burnout Levels for Parents of Children with Special Needs . Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 13(1), 77–89.

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