Post-Traumatic Growth of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disabilities: A Literature Review
Post-Traumatic Growth, ASD, Intellectual Disabilities, ParentsAbstract
This study intends to review the research on posttraumatic growth of parents of children with ASD and ID. A search for potentially eligible papers was undertaken across seven databases; PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, PsycINFO, CINAHL, PTSDpubs and EMBASE. The search time limit is from the establishment of the database to December 2023. The search terms include: post-traumatic growth, autism, intellectual disability, parent, father, mother, caregiver. Based on the search strategy, 68 relevant documents were initially retrieved, and 55 articles were obtained after eliminating 13 duplicate documents. By reading the titles and abstracts, 15 articles that were irrelevant to the topic were excluded, and 40 articles were initially included. After excluding 19 articles whose full texts could not be downloaded, 21 studies were finally included, including 11 studies on parents of children with autism, 5 studies on parents of children with ID, and 5 studies on parents of children with disabilities (including both parents of children with ASD and ID). Among them, there are 6 qualitative studies. The sample sizes of qualitative research are 10, 11 and 13 respectively, and the sample size of quantitative research ranges from 88 to 205.
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