Aggression and Life Goals in Adolescents: Mediating Effect of Visions About the Future and Moderating Effect of Gender
Aggression, Life goals, Visions about the future, Adolescence, High school studentsAbstract
Aggression can be considered as a problem for a long time in Türkiye, especially among adolescents in schools. Although few previous studies have confirmed the negative effects of life goals on aggression, the mechanism of how life goals affect aggression and whether this varies with gender difference is still unknown. To address this research gap, we tested the mediating effect of visions of the future and the moderator effect of gender. The study group consisted of 516 high school students in Turkish. The students completed Adolescents' Life Goals Scale with Respect to Positive Psychotherapy, the Visions about Future Scale, and the KAR-YA Aggression Scale. Structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed the indirect impact of life goals on aggression through visions about future. In addition, the conditional process analysis results showed that this indirect effect was moderated by gender.
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