The Relationship between Teachers’ Perception of Organizational Cronyism and Organizational Dissent




Organizational Cronyism, Organizational Dissent, Teachers , School Administration


This quantitative study investigates the relationship between teachers’ perception of organizational cronyism and their perception of organizational dissent. The population of the study includes 1206 teachers from all pre-school institutions, primary schools, secondary schools, high schools in the district of Kuşadası, the province of Aydın, Türkiye. The sample of the study has been selected by random sampling method and includes 378 teachers. The data has been collected by means of Perceived Organizational Cronyism Scale and Organizational Dissent Scale. The data has been analyzed through parametric statistical programs. The findings of the study reveal that the level of teachers’ perception of organizational cronyism is low, whereas their perception of organizational dissent is at medium level. There is a statistically significant difference between teachers’ perception of organizational cronyism and organizational dissent and the variables of subject of teaching, age, professional seniority, educational level, length of service with the same administrator, and union membership. Correlation analysis reveals that there is a negative weak correlation between teachers’ perception of organizational cronyism and their perception of organizational dissent.


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How to Cite

Akyol, B., & Erkoç, N. (2022). The Relationship between Teachers’ Perception of Organizational Cronyism and Organizational Dissent. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(3), 586–602.