Do Ostracised Teachers Exhibit Deviant Behaviours? Examining the Relationship Between Organizational Ostracism and Organizational Deviance




Ostracism, Deviance, Organizational ostracism, Organizational deviance, Teachers


This research aimed to examine the relationship between organizational ostracism and organizational deviance according to teachers' perceptions. The research employed a correlational design. The study sample consisted of 261 primary school teachers working in Turkish schools. The data were analyzed via multiple linear regression analysis. The findings showed that teachers experienced a low level of organizational ostracism and organizational deviance at schools. In addition, organizational ostracism predicted organizational deviance in individual, organizational and ethical dimensions, but the level of this prediction was low. The study discussed some implications for researchers and practitioners, emphasizing the role of ostracism in teachers' displaying organizational deviance behaviours. For instance, to prevent organizational deviance behaviours in schools, ostracism should be stopped, or its negative effects should be reduced. Also, importance should be given to developing cooperation and relationship networks among teachers, and communication channels should be kept open.


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How to Cite

Ağalday, B. (2022). Do Ostracised Teachers Exhibit Deviant Behaviours? Examining the Relationship Between Organizational Ostracism and Organizational Deviance. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 11(2), 339–353.