Mindfulness, Valuing, and Emotion Regulation in the Prediction of Psychological Distress among University Students
Psychological distress , Mindfulness, Values, Emotion regulationAbstract
The present study aims to examine the role of mindfulness, valuing (progress and obstruction), and strategies for emotion regulation (reappraisal and suppression) in prediction of psychological distress among university students. A total of 332 undergraduate students (237 females, 95 males) from the Faculty of Education of one state and one private university participated in the study. The data, which was analyzed by using hierarchical multiple regression, indicated that valuing and mindfulness were significant predictors of psychological distress. On the other hand, emotion regulation, which encompasses reappraisal and suppression, was seen to be an insignificant predictor of psychological distress. Among the variables, the obstruction subscale of valuing contributed most to the model. Overall, this study highlights that having a ‘value-based life’ and ‘mindful living’ are protective factors which may reduce the likelihood of experiencing high levels of psychological distress among university students. The results were discussed in the light of the literature.
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