Early Childhood Teachers’ Self-Efficacy for Supporting Development Scale


  • Hüseyin Kotaman Afyon Kocatepe University


Teacher Self-Efficacy, Early Childhood Education, Scale Development


Purpose of this study is to develop Early Childhood Teachers Self-Efficacy Beliefs for Supporting Children’s Development Scale (ECTSBSCDS). The literature review provided an information base for the creation of scale items. Thus, initially 122 items were created. After experts review for content and discern validity 82 items left in the scale. Twenty-six preschool and kindergarten teachers from four different kindergartens in Erzurum and 156 preservice early childhood education teachers responded to the self-efficacy questionnaire. A series of factor analyses were applied after the data collection to extract factors. After the explanatory factor analysis 38 items were left in the scale. An analysis of the entire scale revealed a reliability score of 0.96. Findings revealed that the ECTSBSCDS is a valid and reliable instrument.


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How to Cite

Kotaman, H. . (2013). Early Childhood Teachers’ Self-Efficacy for Supporting Development Scale. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 2(1), 114–125. Retrieved from https://perrjournal.com/index.php/perrjournal/article/view/391

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