Microteaching Lesson Study for Prospective English Language Teachers: Designing A Research Lesson





Microteaching Lesson Study, English Language Teaching


In this study, Microteaching Lesson Study (hereafter MLS) was applied for a research lesson designed by the MLS group members including three third-year prospective English language teachers in line with the Content and Language Integrated Learning (hereafter CLIL) approach. This qualitative study aims to uncover the contribution of MLS to the improvement of the teaching within a single lesson geared toward young learners and the perspectives of MLS group members about major components of the MLS process. The participants of the study are three MLS group members, 15 peers and an instructor in the English Language Teaching (hereafter ELT) department of a state university in Turkey. The lesson collaboratively developed by the MLS group members was presented three times by a different member to a different group of five peers who pretended to be young learners. After each lesson, revision meetings were held to analyze the self-reflection of the presenter, the peer/instructor feedback about the lesson and the recorded lesson. The analysis of the revision meetings illustrated the instructional improvement cycle of MLS. Moreover, the analysis of the semi-structured interviews with the MLS group members revealed that they were generally satisfied with the major components of MLS, such as collaborative lesson planning and receiving feedback from peers although a few concerns were mentioned as well. It is suggested that MLS should be incorporated into ELT programs.


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Author Biography

Abdullah Coşkun

Associate Professor
Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University
Department of Foreign Language Education
E-mail: coskun_a@ibu.edu.tr
ORCID: 0000-0003-2818-1280


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How to Cite

Coşkun , A. (2021). Microteaching Lesson Study for Prospective English Language Teachers: Designing A Research Lesson. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(3), 362–376. https://doi.org/10.52963/PERR_Biruni_V10.N3.23

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