Technology Education in Primary Schools: An Overwiev of Turkey and Scotland




Technology, technology education, primary schools, primary education, comperative studies


Technology education varies across countries depending on the goals they set to achieve. Therefore, comparative research on different technology education approaches can provide a holistic perspective and contribute to the literature. This paper compared the technology-focused courses offered by primary schools in Turkey and Scotland. A qualitative research design was adopted. Data were collected using document review and analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results pointed to differences in technology policies, manifesting themselves in the curricula of the courses offered by the schools. However, the courses also had something in common in terms of structure, goal, content, and approach to learning and teaching. We discussed the differences and similarities based on literature. In order to reveal different dimensions of technology education, comparative education studies that address different countries can be suggested.


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Author Biographies

Edip Tut

Research Assistant
Primary Education
Ondokuz Mayis University
ORCID: 0000-0003-2191-6539

Nurbanu Şeren

Research Assistant
Primary Education
Ondokuz Mayis University
ORCID: 0000-0002-0119-1684

Elif Aydın-Çolak

Primary Education
Ondokuz Mayis University
ORCID: 0000-0003-4195-6730

Kasım Kıroğlu

Primary Education
Ondokuz Mayis University
ORCID: 0000-0001-5711-9182


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How to Cite

Tut, E. ., Şeren, N. ., Aydın-Çolak, E. ., & Kıroğlu, K. . (2021). Technology Education in Primary Schools: An Overwiev of Turkey and Scotland. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 10(3), 204–220.

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