Self-Care Management, Emotional Distress and Self- Efficacy: Relationships with Health-Related Quality of Life among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes



self-care management, emotional distress, self- efficacy, health-related quality of life, type 2 diabetes


The purpose of this study was to investigate the combined effects of self-care management, emotional distress, self-efficacy on health-related quality of life as well as investigating the relative contribution of self-care management, emotional distress, self-efficacy to health- related quality of life among patients with type 2 diabetes. The sample was composed of 110 patients of the hospital attendants. They aged between 40 and 60 years with a mean of 49.45 and a standard deviation of 8.23. Diabetes Self- Management Questionnaire (DSMQ, Schmitt et al., 2013 ), Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS, William et al., 2005), The diabetes management self-efficacy scale (Azita and Rahim, 2014) and Quality of Life Instrument for Indian Diabetes Patients (QOLID, Jitender et al., 2010)were employed for data collection. Findings indicated that there were significant correlations between self-care management, emotional distress, self-efficacy and health-related quality of life. The independent variables (Self-Care Management, Emotional Distress and Self-Efficacy) when put together yielded a coefficient of multiple regression (R) of 0. 450 and a multiple correlation square of 0. 435.


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Author Biography

Ayman Abdelgalil M. Elkady

Assistant Professor
Psychology Department
Faculty of Arts
Tanta University
Psychology Department
College of Education
Jazan University
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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How to Cite

Elkady, A. A. M. (2019). Self-Care Management, Emotional Distress and Self- Efficacy: Relationships with Health-Related Quality of Life among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 8(2), 73 – 84. Retrieved from

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