An Investigation of Adolescents’ Levels of Exposure to Cyberbullying in Terms of Social Media Attitudes and Social Appearance Anxiety



Social media, cyberbullying, social appearance anxiety, adolescence


The aim of this study was to investigate adolescents’ levels of exposure to cyberbullying in terms of social media attitudes and social appearance anxiety. To that end, adolescents were reached on online platforms in an attempt. 292 girls and 158 boys (450 individuals in total) were included in the research. Ages of the participants ranged between 14 and 18 years, and their mean age was found to be 16.45 years (sd=1.14). Cyberbullying Scale, Social Media Attitude Scale and Social Appearance Scale for Adolescents were utilized for data collection. Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation coefficient was used for correlational analyses, while Multiple Hierarchical Regression Analysis method was utilized in the regression analysis. The research results showed significant relationships between scores of cyberbullying, social appearance anxiety, social media attitudes, and subscale scores of social media attitudes. It was concluded with the regression model that social appearance anxiety and subscales of social media attitudes explained cyberbullying by 28%. In light of these results, recommendations were provided about activities that can be conducted on adolescents’ social appearance anxiety and social media attitudes.


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Author Biographies

Hüseyin Buğra Karaman

PhD Candidate
Necmettin Erbakan University
ORCID: 0000-0002-8517-4450

Coşkun Arslan

Full Professor
Necmettin Erbakan University
ORCID: 0000-0003-0247-9847


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How to Cite

Karaman, H. B., & Arslan, C. (2020). An Investigation of Adolescents’ Levels of Exposure to Cyberbullying in Terms of Social Media Attitudes and Social Appearance Anxiety. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews, 9(3), 17–25. Retrieved from

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