A Study of Developing an Achievement Test for Identifying Primary School Students at Risk of Mathematics Learning Disability
Achievement test, Mathematics, Mathematical learning disability risk, Numbers and operations, Primary school studentsAbstract
This study aims to develop a valid and reliable achievement test to identify students with mathematics learning difficulties (dyscalculia) and at-risk students. In addition, a test to measure third-grade primary students' success in learning natural numbers and operations with natural numbers sub learning areas is aimed to be developed. Critical learning outcomes were determined for students with a risk of learning disabilities in mathematics and 47 questions were created in line with these outcomes. The questions were evaluated by presenting them, along with the expert evaluation form, to three experts from. The test was administered to 171 students attending. Then, both the item difficulty and item discrimination indices were calculated as part of the item analysis, and accordingly, 21 questions were included in the main test. The KR-20 reliability coefficient of the test was calculated as 0.93, and the Spearman-Brown value for the split halves was calculated as 0.86.
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